Board of Education

Members 2024-2025

Dave D'Amore

David D’Amore
Term 7/1/23-6/30/26

Jennifer Sponnoble
Vice president
Term 7/1/23-6/30/26


Leslie Buggeln-Bosworth
Term 7/1/24 – 6/30/27

Elizabeth DeRosa

Elizabeth DeRosa
Term 7/1/24 – 6/30/27

Marj Kline

Marjorie Kline
Term 7/1/22 – 6/30/25

Joyel Richardson
Term 7/1/23 – 6/30/26

William J. Stock
Term 7/1/22 – 6/30/25

Board Committees

Pursuant to District Policy #2210, Board members may be assigned to committees by the Board President. Committees act in an advisory capacity only; they are not a quorum; they do not have any of the powers and duties invested by law in the School Board; they have no authority to take any formal action; they cannot make legal decisions for the Board. Click here for list of board committees.

Addressing the Board

By email: Residents, staff and students may express their views by sending an email in care of the District Clerk at for distribution to Board members.

In writing: Residents, staff and students may express their views by writing to the Board of Education in care of the District Clerk, Greater Johnstown School District, 1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101, Johnstown NY 12095. Materials submitted will be distributed to Board members.

At a board meeting: As a matter of courtesy, and to foster a spirit of cooperation, the Johnstown School Board provides a forum for public comment at the beginning of its monthly business meetings (although school board meetings must be conducted in view of the public, there is no law requiring that members of the public be permitted to speak.) Interested parties may speak regarding specific agenda items or on education topics of general interest. However, the Board does not permit verbal comments relating to specific personnel decisions regarding individuals employed by the District – those comments should be submitted to the Board in writing. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Greater Johnstown Board of Education on June 8, 2017, speakers are restricted to a maximum of three minutes. Speakers are asked to state their name and address and identify the organization, if any, they represent.

By following the Chain of Command: Please remember that complaints are often best handled by the administrator in charge of the unit closest to the source of the complaint. In most instances, complaints should be made to the building principal if the matter can’t be resolved by a teacher; or to the athletic director if the matter can’t be resolved by a coach. If complaints aren’t resolved satisfactorily at this level, they may be carried to the Superintendent. If complaints aren’t resolved satisfactorily at the Superintendent level, they may be carried to the Board of Education.