Now Hiring For the 2025-2026 School Year!

GJSD has several exciting open positions available for the 2025-2026 school year! All positions are listed on OLAS. Interested candidates should apply there.
Click the image to learn more about these open positions:
- High school Spanish teacher
- High school business teacher
- High School band teacher
- Speech language teacher/pathologist
- High school math teacher
- High school art teacher
- Middle school library media specialist
Anticipated and Continuous Recruitment Vacancies
- Certified Staff Positions
(Administrators, Teachers and Teaching Assistants) - Coaching Positions
- Classified Openings
(Building & Grounds, Clerical Staff, Custodians, Food Service Workers, Nurses and Teacher Aides)
Certified Staff Positions
(Administrators, Teachers and Teaching Assistants)
Anticipated Vacancies for 2024-25
- Extended Leave Substitute Teaching Assistant at Knox Middle School, anticipated April 21 – June 30, 2025. Apply as set forth below through April 2, 2025.
Continuous Recruitment
Teaching Assistants
10 month positions; follows the school calendar.
Applying for Vacant Certified Positions
GJSD Employees
Submit a letter of interest to Dr. William Crankshaw, Superintendent of Schools, by interschool mail or by email to:
Non-GJSD Employees
Apply online at: or send a GJSD Certified Staff Application, Letter of Interest, Resume, and 3 Letters of Recommendation (or list of 3 professional references with contact information) to Dr. William Crankshaw, Superintendent, Greater Johnstown School District, 1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101, Johnstown, New York 12095, or by email to:
Coaching Positions
- None at this time.
Required qualifications for coaching positions
NYS Education Department fingerprint clearance; valid First Aid/CPR certification; Heads-up Concussion Management training; and one of the following:
- NYS Physical Education Teacher Certification OR
- Other NYS Teacher Certification and applicable coaching courses* OR
- NYS Coaching License, Child Abuse Identification Workshop, School Violence Intervention and Prevention Workshop, DASA (Dignity for All Students) training and applicable coaching courses*
*Required coaching courses: Philosophy, Principles of Organization of Athletics (within 2 years); Health Aspects of Coaching (within 5 years); Theory & Techniques (within 5 years)
Applying for coaching or extracurricular positions
Current Employees
- Submit letter of interest via inter-school mail or by e-mail to:
Robert Kraemer, Director of Student Engagement and Athletics
Non-GJSD Employees
- Submit letter of interest and application materials by e-mail to:
Robert Kraemer, Director of Student Engagement and Athletics
or via regular mail:
Greater Johnstown School District
1 Sir Bills Circle
Johnstown, New York 12095
Classified Staff Openings
(Building & Grounds, Clerical Staff, Custodians, Food Service Workers, Nurses and Teacher Aides)
Anticipated Vacancies:
None at this time
Continuous Recruitment
The Greater Johnstown School District is continually recruiting candidates for non-teaching positions and is in need of full-time, part-time and substitute employees! We are currently hiring:
Substitute and Full-time Teacher Aides
Ten month positions; follows the school calendar. High school diploma or equivalent required. Apply using the Fulton County Classified Staff Application and Johnstown Application Addendum (below).
Substitute and Full Time Custodial Staff (Cleaners/Custodial Workers/Custodians)
Different shifts available. Apply using the Fulton County Classified Staff Application and Johnstown Application Addendum (below).
Substitute Nurses (LPN/RN)
Apply using the Fulton County Classified Staff Application and Johnstown Application Addendum (below).
Substitute Clerical Support
Apply using the Fulton County Classified Staff Application and Johnstown Application Addendum below.
Substitute Food Service Helpers
Apply for this position on the Capital Region BOCES website.
Applying for Classified Staff Positions
Unless otherwise indicated above, Classified Staff positions should use the Fulton County Classified Staff Application and include the Johnstown Classified Application Addendum.
Johnstown Classified Application Addendum
Send a letter of interest and a Fulton County Personnel Department classified staff application to or by mail:
Alicia Koster, Assistant Superintendent
1 Sir Bills Circle – Suite 101
Johnstown, NY 12095
About Us Links
Contact Human Resources
Alicia Koster, Assistant Superintendent
(518) 762-4611
Jacklyn Duesler & Alyssa Smith
(518) 762-4611 ext. 3163
1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-4611
Fax: (518) 762-3127
Non-Discrimination Statement
The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities.
GJSD is an Equal Opportunity Employer