Staff Directory
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Search tip: Use partial word searches to broaden and expand the possible results of your search. For example if the last name of the person you are looking for is ‘Peterson’, and you weren’t sure if it was spelled ‘Peterson’ or ‘Petersen’, searching on ‘Pete’ will return all records with ‘Pete’ in any of the fields. If you don’t know who you are looking for, start by calling the contacts listed on this page.
Contact a Department
Administration Center
1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-4611 | Fax: (518) 762-6379
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Summer Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Dr. William Crankshaw, Superintendent
Suzanne Hall, Secretary to the Superintendent
Ext. 3104
Alicia Koster, Assistant Superintendent
Nicole Panton, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Jeanine LoDestro, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Curriculum
Ext. 3120
Board of Education
1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-4611 | Fax: (518) 762-6379
Larraina Carpenter, District Clerk
Ext. 3119
Business Office
1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101
Johnstown, NY 12095
(518) 762-4611 | Fax: (518) 762-3127
Melissa Baker, School Business Manager/Deputy Treasurer
Ext. 3112
Samantha Bellinger, School District Treasurer
Ext. 3117
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
For Payroll Assistance
Human Resources (including Benefits)
Tax Collector
Ext. 3111
Other District Services
Phone: (518) 762-7636
Robert Kraemer, Director of Student Engagement & Athletics
Amber Rumrill, School Secretary – Athletics
The Knox Building, 400 S. Perry St., Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone (518) 762-4611 ext. 3144
David Wood, Director of Facilities II
Amanda Chittenden, Account Clerk Typist – Facilities
Food Service
Phone: (518) 762-1875
Derrick Bates, School Lunch Director (Capital Region BOCES Shared Services Personnel)
IT Department
Phone: (518) 762-4611 ext. 3120 | Fax: (518) 762-6207
Austin Heroth, Director of Technology
Jeanine LoDestro, Administrative Assistant – Technology
Special Education
Phone: (518) 736-1708 | Fax: (518) 762-6027
Nicole Lent, Director of Pupil Services
Kristin Michaels, CSE Chairperson
Jessica Bump, Administrative Assistant – SPED
Ext. 2154
Student Registration
Johnstown High School
1 Sir Bills Circle
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-4611 Ext. 3121 | Fax: (518) 762-6027
Warren Street School
110 Warren Street
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-4611 ext. 3147 | Fax: (518) 762-8805
Julia Barringer, Director of Transportation
Amanda Chittenden, Account Clerk Typist – Transportation
District Contact
1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-4611
Fax: (518) 762-6379
Dr. William Crankshaw
Suzanne Hall
Secretary to the Superintendent
Phone: (518) 762-4611, ext. 3104
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