Home » Warren St. Elementary

Warren St. Elementary

young girls pose with bottles of strawberry milk; bottles of milk are  on display
two older adults sit at a table to eat breakfast with two young girls in honor of veterans day
students show off apples that they are eating, with two logos underneath them - one for "Farm To School" and one for "Big Apple Crunch"
A student wearing a head scarf studies apple seeds in her hands.
a young girl wearing a yellow bow and glasses arranges blue tiles on a desk
Three boys gathering in the pool with boogie boards
2024 Veterans Day Warren 1
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Warren St. Elementary

March 2025

Wednesday March 26

Academic & Extracurricular Committee Meeting

Thursday March 27

Founders Day Award Banquet

Monday March 31

Spring Meet the Coaches Night

April 2025

Wednesday April 2

Pleasant Spring Pictures
Headshot of Dr. Matthew Lewis
Warren Street Elementary building front entrance

Dr. Matthew Lewis is the principal of Warren St. Elementary for students in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.