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Category: Uncategorized

  • Second Grade Supply List 2023-2024

    Dear Parents and Second Grade Students, Welcome to second grade!  We look forward to a great year together.  This is a quick note to let you know what supplies you will need to begin our year in September. All students are responsible for having: (2) 24 count package of Ticonderoga pencils, sharpened please (1) large…

  • Kindergarten Supplies 2023-2024

    General Kindergarten Supplies  *You will receive another list from your teacher later in the summer of supplies needed for the school year.* * Back Pack  * 4 boxes of crayons (24 count)  * 8 glue sticks * 1 package of eraser caps * 4 individual containers of playdoh * Headphones (no ear buds) * Reusable,…

  • First Grade Supply List 2023-2024

    Welcome to First Grade! We look forward to working with you this year. In order to complete the special activities and projects we have planned, students will need the following supplies: 12 (Total pencils) Sharpened Plain Yellow TICONDEROGA #2 pencils  2 24 count CRAYOLA Crayons 4 (Total glue sticks) Elmer’s Glue Sticks 2 (Total markers)…