Home » Eight GJSD students attend “Women in the Workforce” event at HFM CTE Center

Eight GJSD students attend “Women in the Workforce” event at HFM CTE Center

8 young ladies stand in the hallway in front of a purple and gold school logo that reads "Johnstown High School."

Eight female ninth and tenth grade students from GJSD had the opportunity to attend the inaugural “Women in the Workforce” event held last week at the HFM BOCES Career & Technical Center (CTE). The event targeted students aspiring to work in non-traditional workforce roles, allowing them to network and gain insight from other women who are paving the way for future generations in historically male-dominated roles. 

a police officer sits at a table and has a conversation with two young women

The career exploration and awareness event featured 200 female students from 11 HFM area high schools as well as 50 industry professionals, including Johnstown’s very own Kerri Hauser, a police officer with Johnstown Police Department and School Resource Officer for GJSD. 

The industry professionals in attendance represented a variety of non-traditional careers, including auto body repair, auto technology, construction technology, criminal justice, environmental conservation, robotics and engineering, skilled trades and more. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, non-traditional careers for women are defined as those with a female employment rate of 25% or less.

“Our goal was to expand students’ knowledge of careers that they may not otherwise consider,” said HFM Career and Technical Education Assistant Principal Kristina Marshall. “We were excited to host this event that connected students with professionals and facilitated conversations that might influence their future goals.”

The event was a joint effort between HFM CTE and the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce and was part of their Career Support Series aimed at expanding regional economic growth and workforce development. 

three women sit at a table with a black tablecloth, as one woman speaks into a microphone
eight young female students pose in a hallway
an adult woman points at a young female with pink hair
four adult women sit at a table with a tablecloth that reads "CTE," as one woman speaks into a microphone
a female police officer speaks into a microphone as she stands in a room filled with young women
a police officer sits at a table and has a conversation with a colleague and a young female student
