- Welcome!
- Expectations
- All 9 All The Time
- Staff Directory
- Absences
- Arrival
- Attendance and Vacation Procedures
- Awards
- Birthdays & Class Parties
- Calendar
- Cell Phone Policy & Electronics
- Code of Conduct
- Dignity for All Students Act & Character Education
- Devices
- Discipline
- Dismissal
- District Goals
- Dress Code
- Emergency Conditions/Closing
- Food Service & Snack
- Grading
- Health and Safety
- Homework Policy
- iReady Assessments
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Playground & Recess Rules
- State Tests (Grades 3-8)
- Technology
- Transportation
- Volunteering & Visitors
- Quarters (Start/End Dates)
- Questions
- Resources
We are excited to work with you and your children in order to make this a safe and enjoyable school year. We would like to take this opportunity to make you and your children aware of the rules and policies of the school. We ask that you review the rules with your children. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. We strive to provide a comfortable and respectful learning environment for all of our Middle School students.
We at the Knox Middle School, believe that the faculty and staff must work together with students and parents to ensure a safe school community. The best learning environment is provided when all individuals involved in a child’s learning work together cooperatively.
At Knox Middle School We Will…
- Provide students with a positive, safe learning community.
- Treat students as individuals who are deserving of respect, fairness, & understanding.
- Create opportunities for each child to meet his or her potential.
- Foster learning as a life-long experience.
Middle School students are expected to attend school daily, be on time, and complete high quality work. Students are expected to be aware of all rules and behavioral expectations and to conduct themselves in accordance with those guidelines. Students are expected to treat teachers, staff, and other students with respect and consideration, follow directions, have respect for school and personal property, be responsible, and to follow all school rules. Students have a right to attend school and be treated fairly, be respected as an individual, and to be protected from intimidation, harassment, or discrimination based on their real or perceived race, weight, color, national origin, ethnic group, religion, or religious practice, sex, gender/gender identity, or disability, by students or employees on school property, or at a school-sponsored event or function.
Student Expectations
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn
Engage in Cooperation
Maintain Self-Control
Develop and Demonstrate Leadership
On the Bus
- Follow directions given by the driver & bus aide
- Act as role models
- Keep hands and objects to yourself and away from windows
- Talk quietly and do not distract the driver
In the Hallways
- Walk silently and orderly on the right-hand-side
- Be the first to pick up any trash you may notice
- Listen to directions
- Use the equipment properly and safely
- Walk bicycles while on school property
- Please use the sidewalks
- Please walk – do not run!
- Listen to directions
All 9 All The Time
Expectations of Knox Students, to promote and encourage a positive and safe learning community!
- Always use polite language and a respectful tone.
- Follow directions of ALL staff without arguing.
- Dress is a way that encourages a positive learning environment and does not interfere with others’ learning opportunities. No hoods or hats.
- Carry your agenda at all times!
- SIGNED & DATED by a staff member in order to be out of class.
- Drinks and food must be kept in lockers until lunch or after school.
- Only water (Clear bottle) can be consumed outside of the cafeteria.
- Be prepared and on time to ALL classes, including study hall & lunch.
- Behave safely: keep hands, feet & objects to self.
- Personal electronic devices (Silenced) and backpacks MUST be kept in lockers during school day (7:45-2:30)
Staff Directory
Knox Middle School
Phone: (518) 762-3711
Fax: (518) 762-3127
Principal: Mr. Nicholas Snow
Secretary: Mrs. Kaye Houtz
Nurse: Mrs. Bobbie Jo Senzio
Dean: Mrs. Tracy Ringer
School Psychologist: Mrs. Cait Murphy
School Counselor: Mrs. Angela Yetto
Social Worker: Mrs. Karyn Watson
5th Grade Team: Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Ferrari, Mrs. Hartlieb, Mr. Holland, Mr. Kisielis, Mrs. Lago, Mrs. Muller, Mrs. Riley
6th Grade Team: Mr. Adorno, Mrs. Ayres, Mrs. Holt, Mr. McCullough, Ms. Morreale, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Rau, Mrs. Swartwout
7th Grade Team: Mrs. Cox, Mr. Greco, Mr. Jones, Mr. Paris, Ms. Welch, Ms. Yerkes
12-1-1: Ms. Scofield, Mrs. Taylor
AIS: Mrs. Brand, Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. Caputo, Mrs. Fazzio, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Wager
Art: Mrs. Flanders
FACS: Mrs. Rusnica, Mrs. VanDerWerken
Health/PE: Mrs. Cornell, Mr. Haley, Mr. Russo
Media: Ms. Auty, Mrs. Hulbert
Music: Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Whisenhunt
Student Support: Mrs. Hohenforst (Speech), Ms. Messner (ENL)
TAs and Aides: Ms. Anderson, Mrs. Avery, Ms. Chamberlain, Mr. Hayes, Mrs. Hill, Ms. Messina
Custodial Staff: Mr. Jon Pyne
View our Attendance Implementation Plan.
Greater Johnstown School District supports daily attendance for all students. Regular school participation is important to your child’s academic success. Good attendance in early grades lays a strong foundation for engagement and learning in later grades. Regular and consistent attendance is one of the most important habits of success that parents/caregivers can help their child to develop for success throughout life. The goal for Johnstown Elementary students is to have 5 or fewer absences for the year. You will receive an attendance letter from the office, if attendance is a concern.
If your child is absent, please complete the attendance information on Parent Square. If your child will be late or will be leaving early, please send in a note to your child’s homeroom teacher.
As per Board Policy #7410 Extracurricular Activities, in order for students to attend a school-sponsored function, it is necessary that students attend classes for at least half of the school day on the day of the activity, unless otherwise excused by the building administrator. One-half of the school day is defined as follows: from 9:00 a.m. until noon or from noon until the end of the school day. Students who are suspended from school on a day of an athletic game or practice session, party, school dance, or other school affair scheduled after regular school hours are not eligible for participation or attendance at such events.
Knox Middle School will open our doors at 7:15 a.m. There is NO supervision for students prior to 7:15 a.m. so please do not drop off students prior to 7:15 a.m. All students not riding a bus should arrive between 7:15 and 7:40 a.m. Announcements will begin at 7:45 a.m. Arrivals after 7:45 a.m. must be signed in at the main office and receive a late pass. Arriving at school on time will help your child be prepared for the day of learning ahead. Students need time in the morning to hang up their belongings, get their materials ready, and get settled into their day.
Students arriving by car, bike, or walking will enter through the Perry Street entrance. Bus students will enter through the 1st Ave. doors. Students will go to breakfast in the cafeteria and/or the gym until 7:40 am. Breakfast will be available 7:15 am – 7:45 am. If students are eating breakfast, they must eat prior to going to the gym.
Attendance and Vacation Procedures
Students must understand that missing school due to vacation is an illegal absence. Under no circumstances can the school condone or support illegal absences.
At the end of each school year in June, we will hold our Awards Assembly. If your child is receiving an award, you will be notified by your child’s teacher or the main office prior to the assembly.
Birthdays & Class Parties
If you wish to send in a special snack to celebrate your child’s birthday you may. All food MUST be store bought for birthdays and class parties. Please do not send in home baked goods. If your child is having a birthday party- please do NOT hand out invitations in school unless your child is inviting the whole class. If you can only invite a small number of children, we ask you to hand out the invitations outside of school or through the US mail to eliminate hurt feelings.
The 2024-2025 school calendar can be found on the Calendar page. Please note: dates are subject to change. Please refer to the school website or principal’s monthly newsletter for current information/dates.
Cell Phone Policy & Electronics
While we understand that some students have a reason to carry a cellular phone to contact family members before or after school- we ask that while in school, students have their phones turned off so instruction is not disrupted. Cell phones must be kept in students’ book bags and are not allowed to be brought on the playground. Students in violation of this policy, after being provided a warning, will have their cellular phone confiscated. The phone will be returned to the child at the end of the school day. Electronic toys, I-Pads, I-Pods, remote control cars, video games, etc. are not allowed in school unless a teacher has requested a specific item, e.g. an I-pod for an instructional purpose. If items are to be used after school, they must remain in the child’s book bag during the school day. The school will not be held responsible for lost or stolen items.
Code of Conduct
The Board of Education of the Greater Johnstown School District is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment, where students may receive, and District personnel may deliver, quality educational services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, teachers, administrators, other District personnel, parents, and other visitors is essential to achieving this goal. The District has a long-standing set of expectations for conduct on school property and at school functions. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty, and integrity. These expectations are clearly defined in the District’s Code of Conduct. The Code applies to all students, school personnel, parents, and other visitors when on school property or attending a school function. A summary is included at the back of this handbook but, if you would like to read a full copy you may obtain one from the main office of each school building or from the District Central Office.
Dignity for All Students Act & Character Education
The Board of Education recognizes that teaching students respect, civility, and understanding toward others, as well as the practice and reinforcement of appropriate behavior and values is an important function of the school system. The district wishes to foster an environment where students exhibit behavior that promotes positive educational practices, allows students to grow academically and socially, and encourages healthy dialogue in respectful ways. By presenting teachers and staff as positive role models, the district stresses positive communication and discourages disrespectful treatment. Through our Character Education Program provided by our school counselor, we will be instructing students on the topics of honesty, tolerance, responsibility, respect, awareness and sensitivity to discrimination and harassment, civility, observance of laws and rules, and courtesy. As part of the DASA policy, the district will investigate all complaints of harassment and discrimination and take prompt corrective measures as necessary.
Acts of discrimination and harassment including bullying, taunting, or intimidation are detrimental to student learning and achievement. Harassment can include, among other things, the use, both on and off school property of information technology, including but not limited to email, instant messaging, blogs, chat rooms, pagers, cell phones, gaming systems, and social media websites to deliberately harass or threaten others. This type of harassment is referred to as cyberbullying. Such behavior affects not only the students who are the target, but also the individuals who participate in and witness such acts. The Dignity Act defines harassment as the creation of a hostile environment by conduct or verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that interfere with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional, or physical well-being, and conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that reasonably cause or would be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her safety. Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves real or perceived power imbalance.
THE DIGNITY ACT EXPECTS PARENTS “to help by teaching their children respect and dignity for themselves and other students. Please send your child(ren) to school, ready to learn! Help your child(ren) understand that rules are required to maintain a safe school, be supportive towards education and the District, work with our school to maintain open and respectful communication, help your child(ren) deal effectively with peer pressure, provide a safe place for study where homework assignments can be completed, and lastly, please inform the school if there is a change in your home that may affect your child’s conduct or performance”.
WE ASK OUR TEACHERS to maintain a climate of mutual respect in their classrooms, be familiar with our school policies and rules and enforce them in a fair and consistent manner, communicate to parents and students, confront issues of discrimination and harassment and report incidents to the building administrator or one of the Dignity Act Coordinators. Teachers will be prepared to teach and are enthusiastic to work with the students at Pleasant Avenue and Warren Street Elementary. Everyone wants our students to be successful. Pleasant Avenue and Warren Street Elementary have established clear school-wide and classroom rules about bullying and discrimination. We will continue to raise awareness among school staff through training and will provide adequate supervision in less structured areas. Students will participate in a character education program offered by Catholic Charities once per week for 12-15 weeks. We will use every available opportunity to lead by example, teach positive behavior choices, and create a positive school climate.
The Dignity Act Coordinators at Knox Middle School: Mr. Robert Kraemer, Principal and Karen Watson, Social Worker. They can be reached at (518) 762-3711.
Students will be provided a 1:1 device that is to be used for school work. These devices must be brought to school every day the child is on campus. Students are to ensure that their devices are fully charged for their in-person instruction. Students and families must abide by the Technology Agreement guidelines set forth in Board Policy #7314 Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Our goal is for discipline to be firm, fair, and consistent. With each incident/referral, the following items are taken into consideration before consequences are assigned – the age of the student, the severity of the incident, disabilities or health concerns of the student, the number of prior referrals, and victims (if any). Students who bring a weapon to school will be automatically suspended for a minimum of three days. Parents will receive either a phone call or notice from the office the day of the referral/incident. Consequences usually build upon one another. Legally, we can only discuss the actions or consequences of a student with their legal parent or guardian.
Please help us keep all students safe by making dismissal changes by 12:00 p.m. each day by phone or with a note. Late dismissal changes sometimes lead to a more chaotic dismissal. Do NOT ask us to make dismissal changes after 12:00 p.m. unless it is an emergency. Our goal is to dismiss all students safely each day. We appreciate your help! Please be sure the office, the transportation office, and your child are all aware of your dismissal preferences. Students should not congregate on campus before or after school hours. There is NO supervision for students prior to 7:15 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m..
Bus Students:
Will be released to the gym or cafeteria at approximately 2:30 p.m. to wait for their bus. The bus will pick up students on 1st Ave. (same as arrival). School support staff will escort students to the bus pick up location.
Students will be released through the Perry St. doors at 2:30. Students should not cross Perry St. unless being escorted by school staff or the crossing guard. Students can be picked up on Perry St. on the same side of the street as the school.
Please think carefully before deciding to let your child(ren) walk home without adult supervision. Once children leave school grounds, the district/school staff is unable to provide oversight. Therefore, it is difficult for us to help when you have a concern about your child not making it home on time or if you have concerns about the behavior of other children during the walk home. Students should not congregate on campus before or after school hours. There is no outside supervision after 3:00 p.m. for students on school property, all students must be supervised by a parent or guardian after that time.
District Goals
“The Greater Johnstown School District will provide the essential educational resources that support a fully engaged culture of continuous improvement and diverse, high-quality academic opportunities that equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to be contributing citizens in a stronger society.
- Improve measurable student achievement K-12 within a connected, supportive, and pervasive data-informed culture, using highly effective instructional systems designed and evaluated to create optimal learning in a safe and caring environment.
- Make effective social and emotional learning a priority and actively support the rigorous pursuit of personal wellness within a culture of mutual respect and active appreciation of diversity in a caring and compassionate learning environment for all students and staff.
- Hire, develop, supervise, and evaluate a community of highly effective and mutually collaborative faculty, administration and staff, prioritizing an overall culture of positive morale that encourages happiness and performance excellence in service to students.
- Develop, procure, maintain and ever-improve resources (facilities, equipment, technology, materials and supplies), coupled with decision-making that is intentional to the importance of relevance and sustainability.
- Prepare a fiscally sound and responsible budget, inextricably tied to long-range planning, that strives to balance the equitable, ongoing, and changing needs of students with what the District can/must ask its citizens to sustain. The District will make every effort to seek out or create alternative funding sources.
- Prioritize full, equitable, and equal community relationships to address adaptive challenges faced by the District, and build external and internal transparency and communication with diverse stakeholders with full consideration for the knowledge, experience, and expectations and values they hold.
Dress Code
Each year many teachers and parents ask us to share our guidelines for appropriate attire for students. We call them guidelines because in most cases, it is a judgment call. By having guidelines in place, it tends to clarify our expectations and it will hopefully help parents to support our position. The difficult scenarios regarding dress occur mostly in warmer weather and usually involve the definition of appropriate which will vary depending on age, physical development, and gender. Clothing worn with offensive language or inappropriate comments is strongly prohibited. If you have any suspicions that what your child is wearing may not be suitable for school, you can rest assured that we would most likely agree and we would encourage you to persuade your child to choose something different to wear. We would ask that you discuss this situation with your child, review what he/she is wearing to school and make a decision accordingly. We hope that you understand our position and don’t find our guidelines to be intrusive.
Emergency Conditions/Closing
In the event of a snow delay or weather emergency, you will be notified via Parent Square. If you are not yet signed up to receive these messages via phone, please call (518) 762-4611. In the event the school practices a fire drill or other emergency drill, the campus will be closed and visitors will not be allowed to enter the school building until each child is accounted for and students and staff have returned to the building. You will be notified of lockout/lockdown drills.
Food Service & Snack
Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all students at no cost for the 2023-2024 school year. *If a student would like seconds/doubles their lunch account must have funds available.*
Students are provided with a 40 minute lunch and recess period daily. It is up to the classroom teacher if students are provided with a snack time. Please check with your child’s teacher in regard to what types of snacks/drinks are permitted. Students are permitted to have clear water bottles.
Students who go through the lunch line will be encouraged to take all of the items offered for lunch. They must take 3 of 5 items offered when going through the lunch line; they must take ½ cup of fruit or ½ cup of vegetables or a combination of those two items. This includes condiments and dressings.
Visit the Food Service page for more information.
Grades 5-7 will have numerical grades on report cards. Report cards are sent home each quarter.
Health and Safety
The following are helpful suggestions to keep your child safe and healthy at school:
Please keep your contact numbers up to date. If your child is ill or has been injured, we need a way to contact you immediately. You may send in a note to either the Main Office or the Health Office at any time or you may request to stop in personally.
Also please keep your child’s medical information current, such as a change in allergies, a new diagnosis, or medication they may be taking. Medication given at school on a long-term basis must have paperwork completed by both you and your child’s physician before given at school. The medication must be brought in by a parent or parent designee to the Health Office – Please do not send it in with your child.
In the event that your child has head lice, please let the nurse know that as well. Our nurse is a good resource to help with both treatments of your child as well as for your home.
To determine if your child should come to school when he/she is feeling “under the weather,” please do not send them if they have the following:
- A temperature over 100 – they should be fever free for 24 hours without any medication.
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
In most cases if an antibiotic has been started at home please wait until they have had three doses before sending them back to school. This can be especially important in the case of Strep Throat or Conjunctivitis (pink eye).
When in doubt, contact the Health Office and let our nurse help you determine if it is safe for your child to be at school. In the case of injury or illness where your physician restricts your child from PE, please provide the Health Office with a note from his/her office. This will ensure that your child will not participate in PE or recess until they are able. Without a note they will be expected to participate. If you have any questions or concerns for your child, please feel free to contact the Health Office at any time and speak with our nurse.
Few conditions seem to cause as much concern in schools and homes as an infestation of head lice in children. Recent medical recommendations from both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) do not treat head lice as an illness that necessitates an absence from school and have shown that the contagion does not spread as easily as once thought. In order to control infestations of head lice (Pediculosis), the Board of Education has adopted the following protocols:
- Whenever there is a possibility that a student is infested, staff will contact the student’s parents. An infested student will not return to school unless corrective treatment has been given and the student is free of active lice. Current treatment protocols make this possible in less than twenty-four (24) hours. Parents may be asked to have a physician prescribe medication for treatment.
- A student who has been infested will be readmitted to school after successfully completing an examination by the nurse.
- School staff will work with parents to minimize student absence caused by exposure to head lice. An infested student is not sick and is not a danger to other students. Excessive and unnecessary absences affect a student’s educational progress.
- School staff will protect student privacy and maintain confidentiality of medical information when infestations are detected.
- School staff will also work to minimize the social stigma that is unfairly attached to victims of head lice infestations. Head lice are not caused by poverty or unsanitary conditions.
- Students will not be separated from their peers or singled out as infected. All staff will learn proper precautions to prevent further spread of the infestation. Regulations will be developed to provide guidelines on the detection and treatment of head lice, as well as classroom procedures for dealing with affected students. View Board Policy #7515 Pediculosis (Head Lice).
Homework Policy
It is our expectation that parents check their child’s purple communication folder each night. The communication folder is a useful tool to not only communicate with your child’s teacher but also understand what assignments are due and when. In most grade levels, homework will be assigned daily. Homework is used to practice skills taught that day in class. Depending on the grade level of the child, the time homework should take, the subject areas of the homework, and the type of homework will vary. We recommend that you contact your child’s teacher to discuss their homework policy.
iReady Assessments
The iReady Math Assessment is given to all students at least three times per year. The assessment is a computer-adapted test designed to give us accurate, reliable, and valid data so teachers can make good decisions about instruction and interventions. Parent reports will be provided to you at fall conferences in order to inform you of your child’s progress. If your child receives extra help in Academic Intervention Services (AIS), their progress will be monitored periodically using the iReady Assessment. Although the iReady Assessment gives us valid data, we, as educators, realize that not one single data point should drive instructional decisions. In addition to the iReady assessments, we are taking into consideration your child’s classroom progress, the outcomes of classroom assessments, and the use of other informal/formal assessments in order to provide the highest quality instruction to your child.
We welcome parent involvement in our classrooms and at school events. The PTA brings many wonderful programs and opportunities for our students. PTA meeting dates and officers are listed on the JEPTA page. If you would like to become involved in the PTA, please call the main office at (518) 762-3711.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Generally, Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November. April conferences will be scheduled as needed. It is strongly recommended that you meet with your child’s teacher at these times. Your child’s teacher will be responsible for setting a conference schedule. It is important that we are all on the same page regarding your child’s success. Of course, you may arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher whenever you feel necessary. Dates for Parent-Teacher Conferences will be announced.
Playground & Recess Rules
- The playground is closed to the general public during school hours. All other times, play at your own risk, as supervision will not be provided.
- For the safety of all of our students, there are no dogs/pets allowed on the playground or on school property- this includes during arrival and dismissal.
- Each grade level will have twenty minutes of recess or enrichment daily.
- Supervision will be provided by the recess aides. Aides will also walk students to and from recess.
- In case of injuries on the playground, the child will be sent to the nurse’s office.
- In the winter, students need to be prepared to go outside with a coat, hat, mittens, snow pants, and boots. If students do not have boots or snow pants, they will not be allowed in the snow and will remain on pavement. We do not have supervision inside for students who forget their winter clothing or who do not want to go outside.
- Students are not permitted on the playground equipment with flip flops. Please send sneakers!
- There is no skateboarding or biking allowed on the playground at any time.
- Listening to and following the playground supervisor’s directions are very important. When exiting the building students should walk and act appropriately. They should use language that is appropriate for school.
- Cell phones, game-boys, DS, I-Pods, I-Pads, Kindles, Nooks, remote control cars, or any other sort of electronic toys are NOT allowed on the playground. The school will not be held responsible for lost or stolen toys.
- Students will not be allowed to chew gum, or have food and drink (other than water) on the playground for safety reasons.
- Students are not permitted to leave the playground without the supervisor’s permission.
- Prohibited Recess Activities Include; hardballs, bats, pushing/shoving, running when exiting the building, kicking, tripping, spitting, name calling, climbing up the slide, throwing rocks/sand/snow/ice, swearing, etc.
State Tests (Grades 3-8)
The NYS tests are designed to measure how well students have mastered the NYS Common Core Curriculum and necessary grade level skills, and also to monitor the effectiveness of instructional programs. Please make every effort to have your child attend school on testing dates.
The results of these tests are extremely important for our teachers and for our school. Parents will receive a parent report from NYS in early fall, indicating what level (1-4) your child scored.
*We will be taking computer-based exams again this year.
Grade 3-8 | ELA Test | April 8 – May 17 |
Grade 3-8 | Math Test | April 8 – May 17 |
Grade 5 & 8 | Science Test | April 8 – May 17 |
Core Practice:
- Technology is to be used for schoolwork and school-related activities.
- Websites visited must be appropriate for school.
- Devices will be carried with care and used responsibly.
- Food and liquids will be kept away from devices.
- No stickers on the devices (with the exception of district tags/labels).
- Students will ensure their device is fully charged for school each day.
- Students will take care of the device as if it were their own.
- All school-owned devices are filtered and browsing is monitored by the district. However, these systems do not replace supervision.
- Students will keep passwords private.
Out of Bounds Behavior:
- Using the device for activities not related to school work.
- Visiting websites that are inappropriate for school.
- Carelessness that may result in accidental damage to the device.
- Stickers on the device.
- Failure to charge the device; loss or damage to the charger.
- Deliberate damage or physical changes to the device.
- Cyberbullying or other inappropriate online behavior.
- Food and drinks near or on the devices.
- Inappropriate videos, sites or content that violate the Greater Johnstown School District Code of Conduct.
- Using the device for activities not related to school work.
Loss or Damage:
- If the device or charger is damaged, lost, or stolen, the family is responsible for the full cost of the repair or replacement, up to FULL REPLACEMENT VALUE.
- Any damage, loss or theft of the property must be reported to school as soon as possible; no later than the school day following the occurrence.
- The District may pursue legal action against any student who willfully, maliciously or unlawfully damages, destroys or steals a District-owned device.
Students shall follow guidelines as outlined above, and comply with the official Greater Johnstown School District Acceptable Use Policy: Student Use of Computerized Information Resources. View Board Policy #7314 Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
It is our job at 2:30 p.m. daily to be sure that students dismiss safely from this building. If you need to make a change to your child’s normal dismissal schedule- please make every effort to call us by 12 p.m. You must call the office. We will notify the teacher and those responsible for dismissal of students. Teachers will not release a child to anyone without authorization from the office.
Children being picked up must be dismissed by office personnel from the office – NOT from the classroom.
Students are not allowed to be signed out from classrooms. Our procedures are designed to protect all of our students and although nothing is foolproof, it does provide an orderly procedure that may prevent an unfortunate incident from happening. For the safety of all children, we ask for your cooperation in this matter.
If you need to make a transportation change, please fill out a transportation form you can obtain from the main office or you can print one from our website. Transportation changes may take up to 2 weeks to process and to be in effect.
Volunteering & Visitors
All visitors must have prior approval from the principal and be approved through the Raptor System.
Quarters (Start/End Dates)
Quarter 1: September 1, 2023 – November 10, 2023
- Progress Report Released: October 10, 2023
- Report Card Released: November 10, 2023
Quarter 2: November 11, 2023 – January 27, 2024
- Progress Report Released: December 16, 2023
- Report Card Released: January 27, 2024
Quarter 3: January 28, 2024 – April 6, 2024
- Progress Report Released: March 10, 2024
- Report Card Released: April 6, 2024
Quarter 4: April 7, 2024 – June 23, 2024
- Progress Report Released: May 19, 2024
- Report Card Released: June 23, 2024
The unvoiced problem cannot be solved. If you have a concern or question, please call us! Please contact your child’s teacher first if you have a classroom concern; otherwise contact the main office or the health office.
Mental Health Association in Fulton & Montgomery Counties
Phone: (518) 762-5332
Family Counseling Center
Phone: (518) 725-4310
Mountain Valley Hospice
Phone: (518) 725-4545
St. Mary’s Mental Health Children’s Clinic
Phone: (518) 843-7520
Four Winds Saratoga
Phone: (518) 584-3600, 1-800-888-5448
Admissions 1-800-959-1287 (518) 843-7520
Catholic Charities – (Fulton/Montgomery) Johnstown
Phone: (518) 762-8313
Fulton County Department of Social Services
Phone: (518) 736-5600
Lexington Family Service
Phone: (518) 773-2014
Public Health
Phone: (518) 736-5720
Youth Bureau
Phone: (518) 736-5505
Knox Middle School Links
Knox Middle School
400 South Perry St.
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-3711
Fax: (518) 762-2775
Principal: Nicholas Snow
I am an intelligent and assertive student.
My destiny is in my hands.
I will overcome all obstacles
which stand in my way.
The decisions I make today
will affect the rest of my life.
I will have respect for myself and others.
I will also set a good example for my peers.
Education is my ticket to success.
If I say it can be done,
I will achieve my goals.
I am a Knox Middle School student!